The Story Behind Haint Blue Porch Ceilings

Posted By Gracen Tilton @ Apr 28th 2020 10:11am In: Charleston SC Real Estate

We all know one of Charleston’s most common design trends because it's evident all around Charleston. Look up on any street in the city’s historic district, and it’s likely a light-blue porch ceiling is nearby. The protective nature ascribed to the color blue is an important part of West African and Gullah cultures.

There are a few theories as to why the coverings to so many porches — more commonly known as “piazzas” in Charleston — sport a turquoise or robin’s-egg hue. Some say the color wards off nesting insects, or simply imitates a slice of clear sky overhead.

But by far the most common explanation is that it’s “haint blue,” a custom derived from Gullah culture, which was used to keep malevolent spirits away. There’s not one specific shade of the color, because any light blue on a porch overhang qualifies.

Gracen Tilton | Marshall Walker Real Estate | 582 Rutledge Avenue | | 803-549-6318

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