Millennial Generation Displaying Similar Home Behaviors as their Parents

Posted By Gracen Tilton @ Aug 24th 2020 3:39pm In: Charleston SC Real Estate

Unlike the apartment boom, which was centered in urban and high-density suburban areas, the single-family housing boom is currently happening now in suburbs + outlying areas, and millennials are the ones driving this shift. This mirrors how their parents’ housing choices fueled the 'suburban sprawl', where the affordable homes were located, back in the ’80s and ’90s.

Contrary to what many have predicted, the millennial generation may not be that different than thier successors in their housing preferences. They seem to be mimicking the actions of their parents in many ways.

The majority do aspire to own homes—as soon as they can afford it or as it suits their life stage. If there were any doubts about this, the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has revived the mantra of “home is where the heart is.”

Gracen Tilton | Marshall Walker Real Estate | 582 Rutledge Avenue | | 803-549-6318

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