Move Over, Gingerbread Houses — People Are Building ‘Charcuterie Chalets’ This Holiday Season

Move Over, Gingerbread Houses — People Are Building ‘Charcuterie Chalets’ This Holiday Season
Posted By @ Nov 17th 2020 8:45pm In: Charleston SC Real Estate

Nothing says Christmas like meat and cheese.

If your ideal Friday night dinner consists of a charcuterie board and bottle of wine, we have something in common. In fact, it’s become such a beloved bite to pick at that people are ditching gingerbread houses this Christmas in favor of something more … cheesy. Prepare to get creative while you put together a “charcuterie chalet!”

Many families make it a tradition around the holidays to build, decorate, and display a gingerbread house. While cookie walls are great and all, adults might appreciate the charcuterie version even more. Think cracker walls, a prosciutto and salami roof, and cheese details. Just like there aren’t rules when making a charcuterie board, you can let the fun fly while putting together this meat and cheese chalet.

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