Banks Offering Deferment On Mortgage Payments During Coronavirus

Posted By Gracen Tilton @ Apr 1st 2020 6:25pm In: Charleston SC Real Estate

With the huge spread of the coronavirus and its associated illness, COVID-19, the national and global economies have been immensely disrupted. Sales orders are being cancelled, subscriptions not renewed, employees are getting laid off and customers are buckling down.

Fortunately, for the downturn we’re facing this time, most of private industry is on the same time. Meaning, unlike during the 2008 financial crisis, banks aren’t foreclosing or seizing assets en masse to cover their losses. Instead, many major banks have already announced critical modifications to their banking and product policies which work in your favor.

Gracen Tilton | Marshall Walker Real Estate | 582 Rutledge Avenue | | 803-549-6318

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