Marshall Walker Real Estate

The Story Behind Haint Blue Porch Ceilings

Posted By: Gracen Tilton In: Charleston SC Real Estate
Date: Tue, Apr 28th 2020 10:11 am

We all know one of Charleston’s most common design trends because it's evident all around Charleston. Look up on any street in the city’s historic district, and it’s likely a light-blue porch ceiling is nearby. The protective nature ascribed to the color blue is an important part of West African and Gullah cultures.

There are a few theories as to why the coverings to so many porches — more commonly known as “piazzas” in Charleston — sport a turquoise or robin’s-egg hue. Some say the color wards off nesting insects, or simply imitates a slice of clear sky overhead.

But by far the most common explanation is that it’s “haint blue,” a custom derived from Gullah culture, which was used to keep malevolent spirits away. There’s not one specific shade of the color, because any light blue on a porch overhang qualifies.

Gracen Tilton | Marshall Walker Real Estate | 582 Rutledge Avenue | | 803-549-6318